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The school year is just getting underway, and on top of making sure that your kids have new clothes, a functioning backpack and school supplies, you also have the challenge of readying a lunch for them every day of the school week. For efficiently and to encourage your own personal follow through, plan lunches that you can prep in one day and send all week. Here are five healthful school lunches you can prep in one day, then send all week!

Healthful School Lunches You Can Prep in One Day (and send all week)

Kabobs with a Twist

To make kabobs with a twist, roll ham, turkey and cheese together. Then, slice and skewer the rolls with pretzel sticks. Add some grapes for color and sweetness if desired. Complete this lunch idea by adding ½ cup of mandarin oranges, ½ cup shelled edamame and 1 cup fat-free pudding in your child’s favorite flavor to the lunch container.

PC: Food Network

Breakfast for Lunch

Breakfast for lunch can be a fun change for your child. Along with adding excitement, this lunch is healthful and easy to make. Slice a hard-boiled egg and include two small whole-grain waffles. For balance, add one sliced kiwi and a handful of blackberries in addition to a few strips of bell pepper. A mini corn muffin completes this lunch.

PC: EatingWell

A Different Kind of PB&J

PB&J can be healthful with the right combination. For this lunch, spread peanut butter and jelly on a mini whole wheat bagel. For the sides, give your child ¾ cup cherry tomatoes that he or she can dip in 2 tablespoons of reduced-fat ranch dressing. Add ½ cup pineapple bits to the container and four mini oatmeal cookies for dessert.

Yummy Pizza

Every kid is happy when it’s pizza day at school. You can make sure that your child has it too with a lunch made from 1 slice veggie pizza. Include ¾ cup cucumber slices and 2 tablespoons of hummus for dipping. To complete this healthful lunch, add ½ cup purple grapes and ½ cup popcorn to the container.

PC & Recipe: Mom Loves Baking

Easy Pita

Pita pockets are not only the perfect substitute for regular bread slices, but they also make lunch prep a breeze. For an easy pita lunch, stuff two mini whole wheat pitas with your child’s favorite veggies and grilled-chicken strips. Round out this lunch with ¾ cup low-fat vanilla yogurt and fresh strawberry chunks in addition to ½ cup snap peas and a handful of animal crackers.

PC: Sarah’s Cucina Bella

One Day Prep

Collect five containers so you can ready a week of lunches in one day. Clear a spot in the bottom section of your refrigerator to store them. That way, your child can hurry and grab a container when leaving for school. Since every lunch is something different, your child is sure to have fun discovering what he or she will be eating when the lunch hour arrives.

For great lunchbox ideas, check out the Best Kids Lunch Boxes for 2018 here!

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