Love for Littles

I am many things: Woman, daughter, friend, wife, coach, the list goes on and on! But one of my most important roles is MOM! That is why the motto of Alethia True Fit By You is “Care for you so you can care for them.”

If you are a mom, I’m sure you have heard the saying “Take care of yourself!” And if you are like most moms, your response is, “But I have no time for myself…it’s all focused on caring for my kids!”  What we need to realize (and what I had to find out for myself as well) is that to truly care for our littles, we first HAVE to take care of ourselves!

What I found was, as I started caring for my own health and wellness, my kids became excited and wanted to take part in the journey right along with me. As you embark on your own health and wellness experience, look for ways to involve your kids and give them the gift of self-care from an early age. Here are some great resources to help!

Wellness for Kids




Daily Sunshine!

Alethia’s accountability group has been a game changer for me.  I had been doing home-workouts for a few years, but something was missing.  When my sister told me about Alethia, I was excited to join her group.  Well, Alethia far exceeded all my expectations.  Her enthusiasm and love for fitness inspires me.   She’s a human just like the rest of us.  She’s got kids and a family and a life outside of fitness.  It is so easy to follow her lead because she understands the struggles and roadblocks.  To top it off, she provides the most amazing nutrition guidance which includes a full meal plan and grocery list each week!  Alethia’s group is not only a way for me to stay engaged, it has become a way of life.

Kris R.

My typical instinct is to not join groups, so the decision to join Alethia’s Team was with reservation. Three years later I can safely say it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Working out in the morning has come to ground my day and my body needs and craves good, whole foods. The accountability group provides encouragement, support and most importantly for me new or different ideas. It also allows you to participate at a level in which you feel comfortable, yet still feel part of a larger community.

Kim C.