Summer Plans Help Plan The Year

Summer is upon us!  The weather is hot, well in most parts!   Vacations are here.  As we think of summer, we think of beach time, pool time, and embracing the hot weather, which in turn means summer clothing is worn and that swimsuit body is desired.  However, there is a major difference between working out for a “summer body” and working out because that is who you are!  Healthful habits should not be something you do, rather then should be something you live.  Work towards that swimsuit, summer body all year long because you are worth it!

Along with working out, we should all realize that 80-90% of changing your body happens in the kitchen.  Exercising is crucial and what you put into your body is even more important.  During summer, we are out and about a lot!  That means, food on the go, snack bars, parties, BBQ’s and the list goes on.  It is important to plan ahead for your meals so that one slip doesn’t point you in the wrong direction!  Taking a salad with ample protein to the pool is one way I avoid the snack food temptation!  Make it fun, add some fruit, put it in a nice cooler to make it refreshing!


Focusing on health all year long is a top priority of mine so I can fell my best not just in summertime but all year around.  That being said,  a healthy dose of vanity is good for us after all.  Here are some of my key reasons why summer can help motivate us.
-There is nothing wrong with wanting to look and feel better
-More muscle means an increase in your metabolic rate and also lowers blood glucose
-Muscle should win the battle of muscle vs fat on every body
-Working on a lean body might assist in preventing or even improving diabetes
-Motivation comes from all sources and if it is because you want to look good in that swimsuit, more power to you!
-You are more inclined to stick with a new way of life if your appearance is beginning to change!
-A toned body helps prevent health issues and diseases
-Muscle should win the battle of muscle vs fat on every body
-Small and lean waistlines can help you avoid heart disease
-Eliminating refined sugar will help keep a youthful appearance and is good for your
-Adding sugar spikes blood sugar so being on a planned out meal plan can help avoid this
-If looking good in a swimsuit motivates you, GO with IT!  Whatever the motivator is, embrace it and let it help you on your journey!
Along this journey, remember, along with exercise, food and lifestyle, WATER is the key to life!  Take water with you wherever you go this summer.   Remember to drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces!  It is vial to good health!


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